Problems with navigation in Cortona3D viewers
In some cases, the needed navigation module in Cortona is not activated. This may happen on Windows 7 OS with the Internet Explorer’s Protected Mode enabled. This may also occur when the local VRML scene has never been loaded and the user attempts to load the VRML scene on a website. This is to do with the Internet Explorer security settings: when viewing a website with a Cortona3D publication, the system does not allow Cortona3D to store the navigation modules in the registry. This issue can affect the following actions:
- Scroll wheel doesn't zoom in or out; and
- Rotate function does not rotate the object (left click and drag).
There are several different ways to fix this problem:
- Launch the standard VRML scene:
- For 32-bit OS: %PROGRAMFILES%\CommonFiles\ParallelGraphics\Cortona\Help\rose.wrl
- For 64-bit OS: %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Common Files\ParallelGraphics\Cortona\Help\rose.wrl
- Launch the website with Cortona3D publication, start 3D, right-click in Cortona3, select Properties > Help > User’s Guide (click the Show button on the left), and select the chapter Using Cortona3D Viewer in HTML Documents, scroll to the bottom, select the link See how it works.
- Reinstall Cortona3D; on the last page of the installer, make sure the Show sample VRML scene option is selected.
Any of these options launch the standard VRML scene from the local disk, allowing Cortona3D to save the correct keys in the registry; this should resolve navigation problems.