RapidCatalog for Teamcenter
Create interactive 3D illustrated spare parts catalogs with drill-down navigation in integration with Teamcenter

RapidCatalog for Teamcenter
RapidCatalog for Teamcenter the tool for the fast and easy production of 3D Illustrated Parts Catalogs, Electronic Parts Catalogs, and Online Interactive Parts Catalogs.
RapidCatalog uses 3D explosions to communicate complex assemblies that everyone can understand. Users can navigate the assemblies, rotate, zoom and view parts from different angles. Its interactive environment with drill-down navigation improves the user experience and puts an end to ordering and purchasing errors, inefficiency, and lack of productivity.
RapidCatalog for Teamcenter is a component of RapidAuthor for Teamcenter. You can receive comprehensive sales information on the Siemens DISW website.
Authoring of Parts Catalogs
Key features
- Smooth integration with Teamcenter PLM
- Integration with Teamcenter Content Management System
- Integration with Teamcenter Active Workspace
- Use templates compliant with ATA2200, S1000D, DITA, and SCORM standards
- Author the DPL table and 2D/3D graphics in a single app integrated with Teamcenter
- Import BOM existing in Teamcenter and link it, automatically or manually, to the 3D model
- Automatically generate DPL table, callouts, and hotspots from CAD data existing in Teamcenter
- Automatically create an explosion view of a group of parts
- Link 3D geometry and 2D hotspots with the DPL table rows
- Add the shopping cart to the parts catalog. Information about selected items can be delivered to external ordering systems.
- Track changes in the project during the editing process
- Update the DPL table, 3D geometry, metadata, and generated 2D illustrations when Teamcenter PLM data change
- Preview parts catalog as PDF or HTML publication in Teamcenter
- The user interface is available in English, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Italian
- Increase aftermarket revenue and customer loyalty
- Cut parts catalog production and maintenance costs
- Minimize customer errors and product returns
- Improve spare parts sales
- Lower order processing costs
- Improve productivity
- Maintenance and support
- Customization
- Consultancy
- Training
Interactive Demo

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